Kings Crossing Prison Ministries is committed to recruiting and training volunteers to minister effectively in this unique mission field. There is a growing need for more workers. The “fields are white unto harvest” but the “laborers are few.” We are instructed by Jesus to pray to God to send workers who will meet this challenge. Recruitment and training is accomplished through a variety of methods.

Local Weekends
I) Interested persons schedule a weekend for us to bring experienced members of our team to do training wherever they are. Usually, this involves our arrival on a Friday afternoon and begin with an evening “kick-off” session. This is followed by a Saturday morning or afternoon session with lunch. A combined Sunday morning Bible class allows the congregation to gain valuable insight. One of us presents the morning “sermon.”

II) Interested persons schedule a weekend to come to Corpus Christi. Usually, this involves a Friday afternoon arrival with a “Get Acquainted” session. Our team members come to the prison ministry office the next morning and goes “station-to-station” explaining what, how and why they do what they do. There is a “sit down” period for questions and answers. This is followed by lunch. Using this method, individuals can visualize what will work best in their local situation. This method is most beneficial and preferred.

Regional Events
With 25 “Regional Directors” in about a dozen states, NewLife Behavior Ministries may work through these to schedule training events to generate interest and train new volunteers throughout the state or region. Some states (like Oklahoma, and Florida) have statewide workshops annually. We can send representatives to join local forces to train volunteers.

Area Rallies
We can focus on geographical areas (like Houston, San Antonio, Dallas/Fort Worth, Amarillo) to gather known workers to encourage each other, uncover fresh interest, recruit, and train new volunteers. This provides an opportunity to be updated on what is (or is not) happening in the area. A “host” congregation sponsors the event (allows the use of their facilities and provides a meal plus snacks/drinks for a few “breaks”) while we will plan the hourly schedule, topics, speakers, advertise the event, and register guests

The National Workshop
The National Jail & Prison Ministry Workshop occurs in June each year. It moves around the United States and has been held in sixteen different states so far. This allows people in distant places to participate in the “national” event while it is in their backyard. It exposes a multitude of people to the joys and blessings of involvement in this rewarding ministry. Both Kings Crossing Prison Ministries and NewLife Behavior Ministries are strong financial supporters of this national training opportunity. All that we request from the host is an opportunity to offer training to those in attendance. We usually train more volunteers at this conference than at any other time and place all year.

Correspondence Training Packets
Training by “mail” is probably the least effective method. However, in some instances, it is the only quick and available means, and we want to strike while the iron is hot. The “packets” supplied contain pertinent (written) information about all phases of prison ministry, samples of materials, and a “How To” DVD. While not the best method, we would rather do this than nothing. The same thing is done with those seeking certification as NewLife Behavior instructors, including a final exam. We strongly urge new workers to take advantage of attending and participating in “live” training events as soon (and as often) as possible.