Kings Crossing Prison Ministries started this program in 1991. We were introduced to the need through American Rehabilitation Ministries (ARM) in Joplin, Missouri. Since then, 424+ permanent/portable baptistries have gone to jails and prisons as well as to free- world churches in 38 states, including use in campaigns, camps, retreats, and outreach efforts). Of that number 115 have gone to missions in 40 foreign countries. The average baptistry is used 37 times a year which translates into almost 16,000 baptisms every year. Today, the permanent (“Table-Top”) units are ordered through ARM. Baptistries Around the World supplies the portable units. We have learned that those in need of a baptistry need certain information. Read the following steps and contact us if we can assist you.

Step #1: Determine if you need a permanent or portable baptistry (the dollar-difference is about $1500). The portable unit ($400 + shipping) is easily stored and transported from one place to another. It also comes with a drain attachment. The permanent unit is more attractive and has a removable communion table-top. Please note the following requirements for ordering a permanent unit. Some churches put a permanent baptistry in prison and also keep a portable one handy for special needs.

Step #2: The penal institution must decide (a) that it desires a baptistry, (b) it will accept it upon delivery and (c) either will or will not be able to pay the freight. Someone in authority (warden, assistant warden, chaplain) answers these questions in a written request, using official letterhead. We will provide the form upon request. Address the letter to Baptistries Around the World, P.O. Box 270720, Corpus Christi, Texas 78427-0720. In this case, the “responsible party” for payment is Kings Crossing Prison Ministries. Freight usually is $150-$300 depending on the distance from Joplin, Missouri. Our form shows dimensions and “tailors” the unit to individual needs (heater, steps, casters).

Step #3: The process begins as soon as a completed order form (click here to download) is received with the appropriate letter. If you (a group or multiple congregations) are totally underwriting the expense, let us know. You also may gain help from area sister congregations. We will assist in making that plea, if desired. In the “best case” scenario, delivery is 6-8 weeks. Thank you for ideas you may suggest as we seek to expand and assist souls desiring to be born again.

Step #4: If you cannot reimburse the cost for the baptistry, we will provide it at no cost to you and seek support elsewhere. If you can help with any part of the expense, let us know. We will seek help in your vicinity or state to raise the lacking amount. At times, a distant congregation will send support to place a baptistry in a location where the church is weak or still has eyes closed to this ripe mission field. We are grateful to have friends who love to make it possible for taught believers to complete their obedience in baptism.

Step 5: Of course, our ability is limited to the willingness of donors responding to these needs. We seek to place at least 25-30 baptistries annually. Our budget is routinely “wrecked” by urgent pleas. We find it impossible to say “no” when men and women desire to obey Jesus’ words in Mark 16:16. We have known of some who have waited 18 months or longer to be immersed.

Congregations are invited to add Baptistries Around the World to their budgets and send an annual donation. With increased participation, many more will be baptized!

Special Note: If you are interested in a permanent baptistry for a church building in the free world, directly contact and work through American Rehabilitation Ministries in Joplin, Missouri. The cost is higher since free world congregations have more resources than prisoners. Also, there are a lot more options to be determined based on individual needs in various geographical regions.

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